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13 Jun 2022

Adding Podman support in cockpit

Sahil Kokamkar
Podman Logo

In my last blog post, I have gone through installing of Cockpit.

What is Podman?

Podman is like docker which is used to develop and mange container image. You can more about it here.

Installing Podman for cockpit

First install the cockpit-podman from your package manager.

sudo dnf install cockpit-podman

After installation, you should be able to see a Podman Containers tab in the cockpit dashboard.

Podman Container Dashboard

Tick the Automatically start podman on boot and then click Start podman.

Now you can create, configure and mange podman containers from it.

Configuring Podman Container

You can also search images from multiple repository or use a local one.

Selecting Container image

Once you're done configuring, you can hit create, and it will download the image and run it.

Running Image

You can also check the logs and use console.

Podman Container Logs

That's it you're all setup, you can stop, restart or delete images right from the cockpit dashboard.

In my next post I will configure it for VMs